Choose Wisely
Keep in mind that each color has a psychological value. Think about how certain colors make you feel; they can influence any emotion, from tranquility to rage. To create peace and harmony in your home, choose your colors wisely; some colors in large amounts might have the opposite effect on you and your loved ones.
What mood do you want to create? Which colors will help you achieve that mood?
If you need help answering these questions, look at magazines, decorating books, blogs and websites for ideas. Also, let your textiles be your guide. Fabric, carpeting, furniture and tile are available in a more limited range of colors than paint, so choose them first and then decide on your paint color.
Once you find something you like, limit the number of colors in a room to no more than three or four. Too many colors can make a room look busy or cluttered. Paint is fairly inexpensive and transforms a room more quickly than anything else, so you can afford to experiment a little.