One of the most common side effects of hair straightening is excessive dryness. Use of hair dryer makes the situation even worse. Hair loses its natural moisture to a great extent; it begins to look dull and frizzy every time you step out.
Allergy or other types of reactions are commonly associated with hair straightening. Allergic reactions mainly occur due to chemical reactions. In this case, the side effect may appear immediately after the treatment or few days after. Some of the allergies due to hair straightening include itchiness on skin and scalp, redness of scalp, rashes, itching of the eye and red eye. You should consult a doctor immediately if any side effect persists for more than a day.
Another side effect of straightening is boredom with the poker straight hair look. Yes, you heard it right! This happens more frequently in case of permanent straightening. Once you straighten your hair permanently, it is very difficult to change the hairstyle again. In case of temporary straightening too, wearing a different style becomes impossible at times.
Another clinical side effect of hair straightening is severe hair fall. Many people, who have straightened their hairs, have experienced the same. Use of poor quality chemicals and improper technique of using the straightening iron breaks the hair from the roots. In long term, the hair follicles become weak and hair fall continues.