The Effect of Separation Temperature on Retention
and Peak Resolution
For some analytes common dependence of enantiomer
retention, enantioselectivity and peak resolution was
observed on the separation temperature. In particular,
retention and enantioselectivity decreased with increasing
temperature and this decrease outperformed the typical
gain observed in peak efficiency. Thus, with increasing
temperature peak resolution decreased as shown for
zaltoprofen in Fig. 7 or was even completely lost for some
analytes (data not shown). For other analytes just very
minor decrease in retention was observed with increasing
temperature in the relatively wide range from 5 to 60 °C.
This was observed, for instance for the enantiomers of
ibuprofen enantiomers on Lux Cellulose-1 in MeOH as
mobile phase and for ketoprofen enantiomers on Lux Cellulose-
2 in the same mobile phase (data not shown). Only
few examples have been reported in the literature where
the retention of chiral analytes stayed (mostly) unchanged
or even increased while the separation selectivity and peak
resolution improved with increasing temperature [42, 43].
Quite interesting example was observed for separation
of surprofen enantiomers on the ADMPC-based column
in ACN as the mobile phase. For this analyte, the retention
and separation selectivity (the latter only slightly)
decreased with increasing temperature while peak efficiency
increased significantly. As a result of this interplay
The Effect of Separation Temperature on Retentionand Peak ResolutionFor some analytes common dependence of enantiomerretention, enantioselectivity and peak resolution wasobserved on the separation temperature. In particular,retention and enantioselectivity decreased with increasingtemperature and this decrease outperformed the typicalgain observed in peak efficiency. Thus, with increasingtemperature peak resolution decreased as shown forzaltoprofen in Fig. 7 or was even completely lost for someanalytes (data not shown). For other analytes just veryminor decrease in retention was observed with increasingtemperature in the relatively wide range from 5 to 60 °C.This was observed, for instance for the enantiomers ofibuprofen enantiomers on Lux Cellulose-1 in MeOH asmobile phase and for ketoprofen enantiomers on Lux Cellulose-2 in the same mobile phase (data not shown). Onlyfew examples have been reported in the literature wherethe retention of chiral analytes stayed (mostly) unchangedor even increased while the separation selectivity and peakresolution improved with increasing temperature [42, 43].Quite interesting example was observed for separationof surprofen enantiomers on the ADMPC-based columnin ACN as the mobile phase. For this analyte, the retentionand separation selectivity (the latter only slightly)decreased with increasing temperature while peak efficiencyincreased significantly. As a result of this interplay
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