Not many times we have the chance to design an intervention big enough to make an impact
in the heart of such a historical city. Greece is the brain of humanity and Athens is the core of
that brain. It’s difficult to describe how exciting and stimulating is for an architect to
participate in such a project.
For this second stage we have made up a very strong multidisciplinary team with
archaeologist, engineers, bioclimatic consultants and cost control experts to deliver a solid
development of the initial proposal.
We have tried to condense all the spirit of Athens to bring back to life an area that in the old
times was a cemetery and in the last few years has lost its soul. An Athenian tale says that
when the Persians burned up Athens in the 5th Century B.C. an olive tree emerged the very
next day, just like a miracle… The olive, one of the main symbols of Athens, and also the
symbol of renovation and regeneration for the Greeks, is one of the main inspirations of our
project that will give to the entire area a very powerful and recognizable image and city
branding even from a large scale perspective.