Reverse logistics presents one of the biggest operational challenges in the world of eCommerce freight logistics due to the sheer volume and cost of processing returns. Effective reverse logistics is believed to result in direct benefits, including improved customer satisfaction, decreased resource investment levels, and reductions in storage and distribution costs. The amount of returned goods going backwards along the supply chain from the end point (customers) is usually much more than people normally think. As an example, the sheer volume of returns generated in many companies, ranged from 3% to as high as 50% of total shipments across all industries. Many other studies indicated the real costs of the returns take up roughly 3%-5% of total revenue. Surprisingly, for the traditional bricks-and-mortar retail operations, returns are 3 to 4 times more expensive than forward (outbound) shipments. In some industries such as book publishing, catalog retailing, and greeting card, over 20% of all products sold are eventually returned to the vendor. What's more surprising is that some industries are estimated to have return rates in the range of 30 percent to 50 percent with other estimates are as high as 60 percent. Given the status quo of the reverse logistics, the neglect of the importance to the reverse part of the logistics flow opens an opportunity to create and manage customer relationships and build customer loyalty to the retailer.