Ban Mahanam basketwork community is another source producing and circulating money in local community. Even though their operation is not big, it can generate good amount of income to the villagers. If you have a chance to visit Ban Mahanam, you cannot leave without visiting Ban Mahanam basketwork community. The group is where housewives gather to spend their free time wisely by generating income for their family and community. It is also a way to use natural resources and conserve the nature by using the water hyacinth as a material for their varieties of basketwork products such as handbags, boxes and baskets. We can say that this wise way of spending their free time is not only making money for the community but also creatively getting rid of aquatic weed by turning them into basketwork products, making income for households. Basketwork products of Ban Mahanam are 5-star, great quality OTOP products. Buyers can trust the great quality of the products that are underpriced. However, the group does not stop improving their products. They are still continuing to elevate the standard of the basketwork products.
Ban Mahanam basketwork community is located in Chaiyapoom Sub-District of Ang Thong Province. However, the route to Ban Mahanam is narrow, making it quite difficult for big cars to enter.