In order to evaluate an appropriate temperature for grape pollen longevity, pollen of ‘White Malaga’ and ‘Black Opal’ grapes were investigated for their viability and germinability. Pollen were stored at 4ºC and -20ºC compared with room temperature (25ºC). Viability was tested by staining method using 1% acetocarmine and germinability was employed with the hanging drop technique in 10% sugar solution. The results showed that pollen viability and germinability were decreased as the period of storage increased. At room temperature could maintain pollen germinability only one day. While at 4ºC and -20ºC could retain pollen germinability through the second and eighth week, respectively. Pollen stored at -20ºC had greater viability and germinability percentages than the other two temperatures in all tested times.
An appropriate temperature for grape pollen storage (PDF Download Available). Available from: [accessed Sep 20, 2015].