PCR amplification targeting the nifH gene
Kuske et al. (17) demonstrated that the amount of soil
template DNA used to initiate PCRs was critical to the detection
of target microorganisms. Therefore, the amounts of
template DNA for PCR amplification were unified among
samples from each soil type.
For PCR, two major nifH-specific primer sets have been
used in recent studies. One is the “P-primer” designed by
Poly et al. (24), and the other, the “Z-primer” designed by
Zehr et al. (39). In this study, we used P-primer for amplification
of the nifH gene. When the diversity of the nifH pool
in a complex environmental sample was assessed by RTPCR-DGGE,
a more detailed fingerprint was detected with
Z-primer than with P-primer, due to the presence of mismatches
at nondegenerate positions (8). PCR even with Pprimer
detected a sufficient fraction of the diversity of the
nifH gene pool among each soil type tested (Fig. 2). Thus our
result was meaningful enough to describe the diazotrophic
diversity in the rhizosphere of M. malabathricum, despite the
limitations of P-primer.
PCR amplification targeting the nifH geneKuske et al. (17) demonstrated that the amount of soiltemplate DNA used to initiate PCRs was critical to the detectionof target microorganisms. Therefore, the amounts oftemplate DNA for PCR amplification were unified amongsamples from each soil type.For PCR, two major nifH-specific primer sets have beenused in recent studies. One is the “P-primer” designed byPoly et al. (24), and the other, the “Z-primer” designed byZehr et al. (39). In this study, we used P-primer for amplificationof the nifH gene. When the diversity of the nifH poolin a complex environmental sample was assessed by RTPCR-DGGE,a more detailed fingerprint was detected withZ-primer than with P-primer, due to the presence of mismatchesat nondegenerate positions (8). PCR even with Pprimerdetected a sufficient fraction of the diversity of thenifH gene pool among each soil type tested (Fig. 2). Thus ourresult was meaningful enough to describe the diazotrophicdiversity in the rhizosphere of M. malabathricum, despite thelimitations of P-primer.
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