Tax schedule convexity: tax-loss carryforwards
8.1 Suppose taxable income will be either $250,000 or -$250,000 depending on the value of the dollar against the euro . If taxable income is positive, taxes are paid immediately at the rate of 50 percent. If taxable income is negative, tax shields from the resulting tax-loss carryforward are not recovered until a future date. Variability in taxable income can be completely eliminated by hedging against currency risk. In each of the following scenarios, find the present value of expected taxes when taxable income is unhedged and when it is hedged.
a. Use a discount rate of 25 percent. Assume tax-loss carryforwards can be recovered in one year.
b. Use a discount rate of 0 percent. Assume tax-loss carryforwards can be recovered in one year.
c. Use a discount rate of 25 percent. Assume tax-loss carryforwards cannot be recovered until two years have passed.