Molecular imprinting technology, a very promising andattractive technology, not only offers specic molecular recog-nition sites for molecular targets,10but also exhibits distinctadvantages such as high mechanical/chemical stability, easyand inexpensive preparation, and potential reusability.11,12Although molecularly imprinted polymers have unique sensi-tivity and specicity which make them suitable for use inchemical separation, drug-controlled release, and molecularsensing, the obstacles of imperfect removal of template mole-cules and recognition sites destruction still exist aer poly-merization.13Therefore, surface imprinting has emerged toovercome such drawbacks by which recognition sites areformed on the material surface.14The imprinted lm preparedon the surface of solid support substrate via surface imprintingcan enable rebinding and extraction of the template molecule,speed the response kinetics, and improve the access to thesurface binding sites