As the ink dries on the paris negotiations,and i finally get bake home from there,I can't but help find myself wading through all the news coverage and rather than feeling the same elation and satisfaction that seems to radiate out of every article,photograph,and news interview,i oddly find myself feeling more alone and more confused than ever before.
It's official.i am now becoming that person i always said i wouldn't:the grumpy,ranting pessimist.
What's going on? Has the whole world become brainwashed by the fee-good global rhetoric flowing out of Paris?Good people that i have respected and learnt from over the years are now sending texts and emails around as if the war is finally over,as if somehow everything we've been fighting tor all these yaers has now once and for all been solved.Time to pack up and clear out the desk-we can all go back to out day jobs!
I feel that we are facing a new environmental nightmarl,and that in ths old nightmarl at least there was a marginal honesty to the dishonesty,since we admitted that we weren't doing enough.So now i unleash my newfound grnmpiness and call foul to the paris Agreement.
As the ink dries on the paris negotiations,and i finally get bake home from there,I can't but help find myself wading through all the news coverage and rather than feeling the same elation and satisfaction that seems to radiate out of every article,photograph,and news interview,i oddly find myself feeling more alone and more confused than ever before. It's official.i am now becoming that person i always said i wouldn't:the grumpy,ranting pessimist. What's going on? Has the whole world become brainwashed by the fee-good global rhetoric flowing out of Paris?Good people that i have respected and learnt from over the years are now sending texts and emails around as if the war is finally over,as if somehow everything we've been fighting tor all these yaers has now once and for all been solved.Time to pack up and clear out the desk-we can all go back to out day jobs!I feel that we are facing a new environmental nightmarl,and that in ths old nightmarl at least there was a marginal honesty to the dishonesty,since we admitted that we weren't doing enough.So now i unleash my newfound grnmpiness and call foul to the paris Agreement.
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