Horror can be defined as anything which causes intense feeling of shock, fear, terror, disgust or something frightening. Horror may be caused by something ugly, bad, or disagreeable, hence causing strong dislike or loath. Any definition of horror that asserts any form of fear, terror and shock is accepted. Horror can be said to be vast and is divided into several countless sub as well as cross genres. There are different types of horror work such as horror movies, stories, pictures and others. The most common horror genres are categories as; allegorical, psychological and sociological categories. Many horror works combines two or three of the three categories.
On this note, psychology horror is the kind of horror work that is meant to toy with the mind as well as target human psyche. This category of horror is usually internal and primarily deals with inner feelings and darkness of our thoughts. Sociological horror on the other hand is the type of horror work that is aimed at commenting on a certain society aspect such as social issues, culture and traditions, traditional values and others. This type of terror is externalized into monstrous piece of work such as corruption. Finally, allegorical horror is basically symbolic and usually holds a much hidden and deeper meaning with both externalized and internalized horrors. It is seen as all the works that are evil such as “the Big Bad wolf” and others.
All works of horror are meant to create horror/terror in the audience. Horror feeling entails more than being merely terrified from something. It also involves being gruesome, startling, or even involving physical fear as seen in different horror movies. An example of such horror movie is the “Seven”, an American thriller film of the year 1995. Additional examples of horror work include: bloody bones, secret murder, Cape Fear and others which create atmosphere of unexplainable and breathless dread of external unknown terror feeling. Most work; stories, films, novels and other horror work employ such things as vampires, ghosts, evil creatures, maniac and others. All these causes fear to human beings hence defining horror. Horror can therefore also be defined as abnormal happenings to an individual who are normal and which make them powerless to control. Horror is not only producing through works of horror but also through our own imaginations such as during nightmares.
Horror hence defines an insightful sense of terror and that of contact with powers and spheres that are unknown, a slight attitude of fearful listening. It’s an emotional which is far much ahead of simply mundane fear. This is therefore a horror feeling which all creators of horror should aim at for them to succeed. However, all horror work cannot produce horror feeling to everyone since people have different feelings and attitudes towards occurrences. The sense of fear/horror may be different with age. For instance, children are afraid of simple things even their shadows or the monster lying inexistence under their bed. This is unlike for older people. For the adults, their fear are more sophisticated and grounded in the world events such as death, illness and others.
In conclusion, horror work should be able to produce horror effect to a larger audience. This is because the aim of horror is to create horror emotion through proper means so as for the audience to experience horrifying events that calculates effects of horror feelings. Horror is therefore by nature an individual touch which is an intrusion to an individual’s comfort. Horror speaks of individual conditions and powerfully reminds people of how little they understand or know.