Masonry structures are the oldest structures ever made. Due to lack
of scientific and modern knowledge they were really built as per the available
knowledge, experience and empirical evidence at the time of their
construction. With passage of time, it needed restoration and strengthening as
many of the structures became the cultural heritage and got a good social
value. At the beginning of the restoration process, many strengthening
techniques had been suggested by the experts. Some of them might have
improved the structural performance very much and became popular. Also,
depending on the type of structures, site and availability of materials locally
many strengthening techniques were developed and used in different
locations of the world. Recently fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) became the
most popular material for strengthening as it overcomes a lot of disadvantages
of other techniques. FRP can be applied to almost all type of structures
though every structure is unique. At the time of selecting possible repair or
strengthening solutions, it is also essential to consider the principles of
conservation and the modern criteria for the analysis and restoration of
historical structures. These criteria are: minimum intervention, reversibility,
non-invasiveness, durability and compatibility with the original materials, and
structure. Cost should also be considered though it is not within the criteria.
Generally, considering these principles and criteria the best solution is found
among a set of alternative possibilities or a combination of different
Masonry structures are the oldest structures ever made. Due to lackof scientific and modern knowledge they were really built as per the availableknowledge, experience and empirical evidence at the time of theirconstruction. With passage of time, it needed restoration and strengthening asmany of the structures became the cultural heritage and got a good socialvalue. At the beginning of the restoration process, many strengtheningtechniques had been suggested by the experts. Some of them might haveimproved the structural performance very much and became popular. Also,depending on the type of structures, site and availability of materials locallymany strengthening techniques were developed and used in differentlocations of the world. Recently fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) became themost popular material for strengthening as it overcomes a lot of disadvantagesof other techniques. FRP can be applied to almost all type of structuresthough every structure is unique. At the time of selecting possible repair orstrengthening solutions, it is also essential to consider the principles ofconservation and the modern criteria for the analysis and restoration ofhistorical structures. These criteria are: minimum intervention, reversibility,non-invasiveness, durability and compatibility with the original materials, andstructure. Cost should also be considered though it is not within the criteria.Generally, considering these principles and criteria the best solution is found
among a set of alternative possibilities or a combination of different
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