On 3 June 2016, Notification of the Director-General of the Revenue Department on Income Tax (Vol. 267) re:
Criteria, Method, and Conditions for Exemption of Income Tax for Companies or Juristic Partnerships for income spent
on domestic seminar for employees was issued with the following details.
“Seminar Room” means expenses paid to room provider for food and beverages which incur in connection with
the use of the room in normal course of business.
“Other expenses relating to seminars/training” means expenses paid for administration, speakers, materials and
equipment used in the seminar such as training documents, wages, photocopy charges, audio-visual recording charges,
training media preparation charges.
Income tax shall be exempted at 100 per cent of the amount paid for seminar room, accommodation,
transportation, or other expenses relating to domestic seminar to companies or juristic partnerships who organize seminars
or training to increase knowledge and competency of their employees for the benefit of their business, or the amount paid
to tourism operators as prescribed in the law on tourism and guides in relation to the seminars or training. The exemption
shall be effective from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016. Companies or juristic partnerships wishing to claim such
tax exemption shall keep evidence of the seminars or training as proof to the tax assessment officer.
This notification shall take effect on 1 January 2016.