Chen Xiang treads is shrinking the situation, is only with three days, arrives at the white flame the region, previous time he arrived here to use a lot of time.
Before he crossed the disaster here, but also killed several important old fogies, let Dan King die, at that time drew on the golden flame.
Therefore he guessed that next of white hot territory is the golden hot territory, he practices the Immortal Devil Body accomplishment here, therefore he must enter the golden hot territory is not very difficult matter.
He currently depending on mortal body resistivity, has not used Black Tortoise Diamond Armor.
Steps is shrinking the situation, more than time of double-hour, he passes through the white hot territory, arrives at flake gold fire fierce burning down the region, here temperature high hundred times has continued compared with the beforehand white hot territory.
Some people have done an occupying land area investigation of place Heart Fire Region, discovered that the Heart Fire Region AUC is very big, is equal is so big to more than two King Continent, this hot territory appears in King Continent luckily keeps to the side, otherwise entire King Continent will be destroyed completely. For all that the King Continent same loss is serious.
This Heart Fire Region is the circular, the different color flame revolve one after another, outside these preliminary flame occupy a land area many, but the central place occupies a land area few, but the temperature is highest.
Chen Xiang arrived at the region of golden hot territory, here the immortal can withstand, he had estimated the distance that walk, guessed the position that one are, discovered that he must go also to have very far distance to the center.
Here golden flame so was terrorist, moreover he thought that behind also several, is the flame of that center what kind of?
After golden sea of fire, Chen Xiang steps into a scarlet red sea of fire, that type of flame is similar to the black red blood like that his skin had been burnt to here burningly painful, he emits Black Tortoise Diamond Armor to resist immediately, if slow, he will possibly be fired the severe wound.
„Good terrifying black flame!” Su Meiyao exclaims.
Chen Xiang continues to know that the flame of this region is the black, because before approached the area in golden hot territory, therefore during some must the red, he place one piece to be jet black now!
„Is center of earth the Emperor Heaven most formidable source of strength? This black flame, can burn these young immortals with ease.” The Long Xueyi sound is having a fear, her Divine Sense does not dare to run all over the place, will exit to be burnt down.