The use of GIS and Remote Sensing has proven to be a valuable tool to perform an agro-ecological
zonation. Traditionally such zonations have been performed on the basis of a number of
determinants of an agricultural system (Quiroz et al., 2000; FAO, 1997) and the eventual result is a
‘static’ AEZ map with a fixed number of zones. In this research however a different approach has
been taken given the complexity and diversity of mountain agricultural systems, and the wide range of
information which should be made readily available to decision makers. Only three determinants
have been included in the AEZ; elevation, climate and productivity, but the final result is dynamic and
through user friendly software decision makers can visualize production domains of different
agricultural systems by applying simple decision rules as was illustrated for apple cultivation. There is
a strong need for such simple tools and although the underlying technology might be complicated, the
dynamic end result is easy to use and provides fast and reliable insight in the extensive potential of
mountain agricultural production systems.