Consequently, Banromprakun started and aimed to improve children and youth well-being, quality of life and the potential of children in all aspects; education, health, social and emotion, and spiritual. Moreover we will enabling them to become capable adults and prepared children to enter knowledge-based society by integrating social services for holistic development for children, focusing on the family, religious and educational institutions as mechanisms for nurturing positive attributes in children.
Banromprakun have been protecting children from abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence for 24 years. Our programs focus on the most vulnerable children by providing children with an effective and fulfilling way to develop while at the same time supporting children’s families and community. Our programs stretch out to the family and community because the wellbeing of children is closely linked to each other. Family is the utmost important in how the children developed. Families should be a source of emotional support and comfort, warmth and nurturing, protection and security. Therefore, unhealthy family relationships lead to various problems in children.