This study was aimed to investigate the effects of individual variables and their interactions on weight
loss of grinding ball using the SEM/EDX analysis and RSM model. The results SEM/EDX analysis indicated
that corrosion mechanism type for steel balls is pitting. In addition, abrasive corrosion was observed on
high carbon chromium steel ball surface. It was also found that steel balls were formed from corrosion
phases of Fe, O, S and Si. The results of RSM model showed that the linear effects of all factors and the
quadratic effects of solid concentration and charge weight of balls were significant parameters on wear
rate. Also, it was observed no interactions between factors. Furthermore, results indicated that degree of
influence of factors on the wear rate was in the order of ball type > solid percentage > pH > solid
percentage2 > charge weight2 > grinding time > rotation speed of mill > charge weight > throughout.
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