The relationship between service quality and corporate reputation has been of interest to academics and researchers. Many researchers support the idea that corporate reputation is the consequence of service quality. In accordance with Berry (1969), service quality is counted as a determinant of corporate reputation. A good illustration is that customers can develop a favorable perception of corporate reputation through their experience of a service offered by a company (Kim 2010). Referring to the literature, perceived service quality influences customer’s perception on corporate role such as providing a high quality product and service, corporate social contributions (Andreassen and Lindestad 1998; Zeithaml 2000; Wang et al. 2003). In addition, the physical aspect of a retail store, such as its design, layout and degree of cleanliness, are elements of service that also influence corporate reputation (Baker and Parasuraman 1994). According to a study of Järvinen and Suomi(2011) in the context of retail industry, reputation is caused by product quality, good service, keeping promises, offering the customer with the way that worth paying, getting customer loyalty, honest communication, professional management.