4. Discussion
This study explored the relationship between occupational health and safety management and organizational commitment. The correlation analysis of the study confirmed that there is a moderate positive relationship between occupational health and safety management and affective commitment. Likewise, the regression analysis showed that occupational health and safety management had a significant impact on affective commitment. Thus, as employees have positive impression/perception of the management of health and safety on the job, their emotional attachment and identification with the organization becomes stronger. This finding is consistent with an earlier study conducted by Siu [41], who also found a positive relationship between the physical well-being of employees and affective commitment. Ac-cording to Zeidan [44], employees with high affective commitment demonstrate emotional attachment/identification with, and involvement in the organization, and such employees are less likely to engage in withdrawal behaviors such as absenteeism, low per-formance, and turnover [45,46].
38.792; p < 0.001). The R2 value indicated that occupational health and safety management accounted for 6.6% (R2 ¼ 0.066) of the variation in affective commitment, 13.7% (R2 ¼ 0.137) in normative commitment, and 9.5% (R2 ¼ 0.095) in continuance commitment.