The transcribed texts from both the in-depth interviews
and focus group interviews form the basis for meaning
interpretation. The four steps proposed by Fleming et al.
(2003) based on Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics were
followed (Table 2 shows the dialogue with the text according
to the proposed steps).
In the first step, the transcribed text was read in search of
the meaning of the text as a whole. The hallmarks of the
dialog with the text were the questions asked and the
influence of preunderstanding on the answers that the text
produced. The initial understanding from the preliminary
analysis of both interviews, were confirmed when reading the
text as a whole.
During the second step, the meaning of autonomy was
investigated. A part of the interpretation was to allow themes
about the whole to emerge and to discriminate between them.
In the third step, the interpretation was characterised by a
process where the meanings of the separate passages were
determined by the global meaning of the text. Throughout
the interpretation, the researcher’s understanding of
autonomy was continually expanded by the message of the
In the fourth step, a new horizon of understanding was a
sensible coherent meaning of autonomy in nursing practice.
Passages that seemed to be representative of the shared
understandings between the researcher and participants were
In this study, credibility of the research process depended on
a clear explanation of choices and decisions made so that they
could easily be followed (Lincoln & Guba 1985, Fleming
et al. 2003, Whitehead 2004). The researcher’s preunderstanding
both as a nurse and nursing teacher influenced the
interviews and interpretations. Throughout the research
process, reflection about the possible influence on the findings
was, therefore, considered (Malterud 2001) and it was also
part of the study to present the theoretical framework for
interpretation (Debesay et al. 2008). Participants’ expressions
are translated literally from Norwegian to English and are
presented anonymously as quotations in the report.