1 most thammasat university students live in a outside the dorm rather than in a dorm.
2 i believe a dorm is better than a outside the dorm for three reasons.
3 Firstly,the campus is easily accessible to study.
4 You can wake up late.
5 And if you can come back out of it using the minimum amount of time.
6 second campus in the rental price.
7 Resulting in reduced costs. Reduce the cost of the house.
8 Campus is not free of cost in traveling to work.
9 I can walk or bike to class.
10th In addition, the campus has a lot of friends as well.
11th The hostel in the center of a secret university students on campus.
9 I can walk or bike to class.
10th In addition, the campus has a lot of friends as well.
11th The hostel in the center of a secret university students on campus.
the dormitory in university easy to go to school