Namely ‘on request of the patient to avoid any suffering and
prolonging his/her life uselessly, a treatment aimed at sedation
and analgesia provoking a deep and continuous suppression
of vigilance until death, while forgoing all treatments aimed at
maintaining life ’Such CSD will be undertaken for patients with
an incurable disease, a short term life expectancy, and a suffering
refractory to treatments, or, alternately, when a patient decides
to withhold or withdraw a vital treatment -including artificial
feeding and hydration -.
Namely ‘on request of the patient to avoid any suffering andprolonging his/her life uselessly, a treatment aimed at sedationand analgesia provoking a deep and continuous suppressionof vigilance until death, while forgoing all treatments aimed atmaintaining life ’Such CSD will be undertaken for patients withan incurable disease, a short term life expectancy, and a sufferingrefractory to treatments, or, alternately, when a patient decidesto withhold or withdraw a vital treatment -including artificialfeeding and hydration -.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..