Develop a complete solution
If you have areas in your workplace which cause prob or bottl necks, these are probably the result of a combination of factors For example, suppose you have a problem with the movement of work in progress from one operation to another because of improper machine layout and sequence of operation, you will need to irriprove machine layout arid materials handling. In doing so, you also have to consider the positioning of lights and electrical outlets and the provision of wheeled containers for easy movement. Thus to improve materials handling, you have to consider many iactors and evaluate a number of options to minimize impact on the whole production process.
For many improvements you may need to make seveal changes at the same time in order to meet the objective you have set. Use the whole checkists to look for ways of achieving a complete solution lo your problem Remember that the limit on the product of workers comes from several sources, some of which may at first seem unrelated to your objective. Develop a complete solution. Recheck and see if there is something you have left out in each fechnical area covered in this book: