ob market
The growth of the Brazilian economy has slowed in recent years but it still remains the largest in Latin America.
Brazil is the world's leading producer of coffee and sugarcane and is also a big exporter of cocoa, oranges and soya beans, as well as hydroelectric power.
Major industries in the country include:
Recent growth areas include the:
renewable energy sector;
automotive industry.
Sectors which house shortage occupations:
environmental management;
food manufacturing;
There are jobs available in these sectors for highly skilled foreign workers.
International candidates who can speak Portuguese, have good knowledge of the country, and can display an interest in Brazilian life and culture, are well placed to find jobs.
Job vacancies
The easiest way onto the Brazilian job ladder is to secure an offer of work before you arrive, or alternatively to ask if you can be transferred to the country from a foreign company.
If neither of these options works for you it'll help to be based in Brazil when applying for roles, as networking is extremely important in securing work.