Look at this solution. are imaginary. Students: Wow! I'd never think of that! You've gotta be kidding! It seems so easy now! 1 got it Yeah! got it! Professor: Green! i'm glad some of you solved the puzzle this way, but there are other solutions, too. Did any of you solve the puzzle in another way? Come on! Don't be shy! No idea is silly as long as it solves the problem. Yes, do you have a solution? Student 1: Well, you didn't say we had to use only a pen or pencil. So, I cut the dots apart and arranged them in a straight line and then connected them. Professor: Very original! Anyone else? Any other solutions? Yes, go ahead. Student 2: How about this: You can tape the handout of the puzzle to a globe and then keep circumnavigating the globe with your pen until you pass through all the dots. Professor: Wonderful! Very imaginative! Now l have to tell you the solution that my ten-year- old daughter came up with.