ton activity in ponds (because of
lower temperatures, nutrient
depletion, cloudy weather, herbicide
treatments, etc.) can result in
less ammonia assimilated by the
algae, thus increasing the load on
the nitrifying bacteria (Figure 1). If
nitrite levels exceed that which
resident bacteria can rapidly convert
to nitrate, a buildup of nitrite
occurs, and brown blood disease
is a risk. Although nitrite is sel
ton activity in ponds (because oflower temperatures, nutrientdepletion, cloudy weather, herbicidetreatments, etc.) can result inless ammonia assimilated by thealgae, thus increasing the load onthe nitrifying bacteria (Figure 1). Ifnitrite levels exceed that whichresident bacteria can rapidly convertto nitrate, a buildup of nitriteoccurs, and brown blood diseaseis a risk. Although nitrite is sel
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