In the article, "A Not-So-common Cold," Dr.William Schaffner discusses is caused by a species of enterovirus (en-tuh-roh-VIE-ruhs) called EV-D68.The first problem is EV-D68,which affects the respiratory or lung. As a consequence,the EV-D68 infection have symptoms similarto the common cold. For example,runny nose,coughing,sneezing,and sometimes fever. The second problem is that because from the history of the infected chilldren all have a history of asthma. However,haven't found infected adults EV-D68 found in childen from the age of 16 weeks to 16 years. Finally,this diseases is a diseases that can be spread through contact one another to avoid shaking hands,kissing,hugging and eat or drink with people who may be sick. Therefore,protect by wash hands with water and snop.