The importance of physical evidence (such as aircraft and other facilities) in the airline industry is due to this element is considered as a basic factor that determines the comfort and safety of the flight (Roades & Waguespack Jr., 2008).
Therefore, in order to be able to leadthe market in providing the best service for its customers, many airlines such as Singapore Airlines will always try to keep rejuvenate its fleets.
The similar startegy is also rampant in other airlines such as Emirates and Qantas where they race to get the latest and moresophisticated aircraft.
Although the physical evidence is an important factor in influencingcustomer behavior, this study suggests that these factors were not significant in influencingcustomer satisfaction in low cost airlines.
This insignificant effect is most likely due tocustomer expectations to low cost airline services (including physical factors) is also low(Noor, 2005).
As a consequence, low cost airlines customers do not have a high expection on physical element of airline.
As a result, the use of relatively old aircraft will less likely affectcustomer satisfaction in low cost airlines.
In contrast, as they have a higher serviceexpectation, physical conditions such as the modernity and the age of aircraft greatly affectthe level of customer satisfaction in full service airlines (Lawton, 2002).