1. Introduction
The emerging of foodborne diseases are a
phenomenon in recent years. Safety and food control
have been recognized as important issues in many
countries for decades. The recent outbreaks of
foodborne disease have shaken the consumers’ trust in
the food safety systems. Most foodborne disease from
fishery product is caused by Staphylococcus aureus
and Escherichia coli. The major impact of
microbiological foodborne is gastroenteritis which
may result in hospitalize and death.
In developing countries, numerous communities
have been using local plants in different ways to treat
various diseases including gastroenteritis. Medicinal
plants constitute an effective source of both traditional
and modern medicine. Though some plants are assumed
Corresponding author: A. A. Prihanto, researcher, research
field: marine microbiology. E-mail: asep_awa@ub.ac.id.
to produce metabolites with biological activities, it has
been reported recently that fungal endophytes residing
within these plants could also produce metabolites
similar to or with more activity than that of their
respective hosts [1]. Therefore, it is believed that search
for novel compounds should be directed towards plants
that commonly serve indigenous populations for
medicinal purposes and plants growing in unique
environmental setting or interesting endemic locations
as they are expected to harbor novel microbial that may
produce unique metabolites [2].
Mangrove is a host for groups of fungi known as
“manglicolous fungi” which play important roles in
nutrient cycle of mangrove habitat. Previous study on
secondary metabolites of endophytic fungi from
mangrove revealed that the fungi produced antibiotic,
including griseofulvin, which commonly found in
Penicillium griseofulvum. With this knowledge, we
Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Mangrove (Rhyzopora mucronata) and Its Antibacterial
Activity on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli
isolated endophytic fungi from mangrove Rhizopora
mucronata on Porong river estuary to investigate its
antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus
and Escherichia coli.
1. IntroductionThe emerging of foodborne diseases are aphenomenon in recent years. Safety and food controlhave been recognized as important issues in manycountries for decades. The recent outbreaks offoodborne disease have shaken the consumers’ trust inthe food safety systems. Most foodborne disease fromfishery product is caused by Staphylococcus aureusand Escherichia coli. The major impact ofmicrobiological foodborne is gastroenteritis whichmay result in hospitalize and death.In developing countries, numerous communitieshave been using local plants in different ways to treatvarious diseases including gastroenteritis. Medicinalplants constitute an effective source of both traditionaland modern medicine. Though some plants are assumedCorresponding author: A. A. Prihanto, researcher, researchfield: marine microbiology. E-mail: asep_awa@ub.ac.id.to produce metabolites with biological activities, it hasbeen reported recently that fungal endophytes residingwithin these plants could also produce metabolitessimilar to or with more activity than that of theirrespective hosts [1]. Therefore, it is believed that searchfor novel compounds should be directed towards plantsthat commonly serve indigenous populations formedicinal purposes and plants growing in uniqueenvironmental setting or interesting endemic locationsas they are expected to harbor novel microbial that mayproduce unique metabolites [2].Mangrove is a host for groups of fungi known as“manglicolous fungi” which play important roles innutrient cycle of mangrove habitat. Previous study onsecondary metabolites of endophytic fungi frommangrove revealed that the fungi produced antibiotic,including griseofulvin, which commonly found inPenicillium griseofulvum. With this knowledge, we Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Mangrove (Rhyzopora mucronata) and Its AntibacterialActivity on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli387isolated endophytic fungi from mangrove Rhizoporamucronata on Porong river estuary to investigate itsantimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureusand Escherichia coli.
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