This study assessed body composition of Division I football players (n 5 69) and compared the findings with previously reported data to ascertain whether the increase in player to-tal body mass that has been observed over the past 10 years has been accompanied by an increase in body fat. Body com-position was determined by hydrostatic weighing and the measurement of skinfoldthicknesses.Totalbodymass,skin-fold thicknesses, and body fat were greater in the current players than in players in studies conducted in the early 1980s and early 1990s. Body fat varied significantly across playing position, with the defensive backs, offensive backs, and receivers being the leanest and the offensive linemen and tight ends the most fat. There was no significant rela-tionship between body composition and playing year or scholarship status, nor were any differences observed be-tween ethnic groups. Of important clinical relevance was the finding that the linemen (offensive, defensive) and tight ends were on average greater than 25% body fat, the borderline for obesity in this age group. Much of this fat was deposited in the abdominal region, a significant finding when one con-siders the high correlation between abdominal obesity and ischemic heart disease and stroke. The current findings sug-gest that more attention needs to be given to the nature of the increase in body mass being achieved by today’s football player to minimize long-term negative health consequences, and the findings reemphasize the need identified in earlier studies of the importance of detraining programs for these athletes.