assessment so
that WBC counts could be adjusted if either haemodilution
or haemoconcentration was found to have occurred; ii)
all blood samples were collected between 8.00 am and
midday to control for blood constituents, such as CD4,
which vary with time of day; and iii) a complete blood
count (CBC) was done on all the blood samples before
they were sent to the P.C.T. Laboratory Service Co., Ltd.,
Bangkok. The CBCs were repeated after arrival by the
P.C.T. Laboratory Service Co, Ltd., before WBCs, CD4s,
and CD8s were measured. This was done to confirm that
the quality of the samples and the blood constituents had
not been affected in transit. The P.C.T. Laboratory Service
Co., Ltd. reported that the CBC results were comparable
in both tests.
Since blood cell counts may change due to