Apparatus: All spectrophotometric measurements were
carried out using a Shimadzu UV-1800 spectrophotometer,
Japan, a Shimadzu A×120 electronic balance, Japan and
Gesellschaft fur Labotechink 1032 water bath, Germany.
Materials: Reference tranexamic acid (purity100%) was
supplied by the Central Laboratory, Sudan. Trexamin
capsules (Batch No.8838) labeled to contain 250mg
tranexamic acid, product of Hilton Pharma (Pvt.) Ltd.,
Pakistan, were obtained from commercial sources. A stock
solution was prepared by dissolving 400mg of tranexamic
acid in 100ml of distilled water and was further diluted to
give a working standard solution with final concentration
1000µg/ml. DCQ was obtained from Lobal chemie, GR
99%, India. A 0.25% w/v of the reagent was freshly
prepared in methanol. Dimethyl sulfoxide was supplied
from S.d.fine-chem limited, AR 99.5%, India.