Origin of Isis, dating back to the year 2549 the group Al Qaeda in Iraq, which is under the leadership of Abu Musa al - Sa Kawi an important goal is the integration of a war against Muslims. Shia together And also achieved a satisfactory when can be explosive Mosque Al - Al Gregory . The sprawling Shiite mosque in the city of Samarra mold successfully. But later, Al - Sami Kawi was killed by US forces. The group al-Qaeda fighters in Iraq stones scattered and weakened almost destroyed outright. But it is not so When the US Army Experts from Iraq to the war situation and dealing with Islamic Combatant Group. The lack of military experience in Iraq. The sub-division of the army along the border of a shortage of equipment for use during riots. And the weak performance of the patrol. In no time, making al Qaeda was formed under the name ISI (the Islamic State in Iraq) before adding Syria (Syria) to later become ISIS as we know it today.