Good night Yuva.
Yes, I did get a chuckle out Meaw's comments. No wrinkles. Not true. I have them. We call them
crows feet around the eyes. The big thing at our age is to not drop weight very rapidly. Just a little
at a time, and continue to do a little exercise. That is really all I try to do. The rest is nature. Besides
May would have never introduced us if sge thought you looked older than me. May is real careful
about those kinds of issues. May looks after me and protects me like a big sister.
As for my eyes, if Meaw likes my eyes, she would cry over my sisters eyes. Or at least when she
was younger. Its been a while since I have seen her, but when she was a kid, she had the bluest baby
blue eyes I have ever seen. Perhaps the benefit of being the youngest in the family!
Pleasant dreams and sleep well. Thinking of you always.