This research looks on the ergonomic and MMH awareness in a steelwork company, Company A. According to
the statistics released by the management, 20% of reported health issues were LBP (RHSC 2010). Besides that, 60%
of the accidents reported were due to incorrect MMH method and dangerous surrounding factor. There were
increases in accident cases in 2009 (9.2%) and 4.3% in 2010. The total of increase from 2008 until 2010 is 13.5%
(RHSC 2010). This statistics is in an alert state due to the increase for each year. The effects of this were company
losses in term of work source and medical expenditures. Productivity and motivation are well affected as well due to
limitation caused by health issues, which affects the quality of life as well. This matter has to be attended to avoid
accidents and injuries to occur amongst workers.