(1) Note for Control Description
The documents must be designed for use in management assessment and internal control audit. Therefore, they need
to be described so that a third party would be able to understand process flow and the internal controls in place and
operational tests can be easily performed.
-Make easy-to-understand and concise descriptions in the documents (must not be detailed more than necessary
according to the purpose of each document.)
-Do not use the abbreviated name which can be understood only by the persons concerned.
-Create the document by emphasizing the process related to internal controls.
Work in close cooperation with the administrator who has a deep understanding of the business to be described.
In order to document Internal Control intelligibly and concretely, examine Who, When, What, What and How.
-Who is performing the Internal Control? (OK : position and title, NG : individual person’s name)
-When is the internal control provided? (annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily, on demand, etc.)
-How is the internal control carried out?
-How and where is the evidential document retained and managed?
-Based on what kind of procedures is the post-assessment review performed?
-What kind of exception handling is performed? How are the problem and the error solved?
(2) RCM must be described sufficiently since it is the main deliverables of IT General
Describe "Control description" specifically by focusing on Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How so that third
parties can understand easily.
-In "Control description," describe the content of control using the name of the “Person in charge” as the subject
who provides the control.
-In "Control description," describe the contents which are also described in "Group in charge," "Person in charge"
and "Frequency."
(Example of "Control description")
"Person in charge" of "Group in charge" performs XX( control) frequency.
=> [ex] The group leader of the accounting system group approves IT infrastructure maintenance plan semiannually.