My friend understood and he said I not need give him money back. Besides his family give me that card with 60 euros for buy food at supermarket. I was so glad, and I felt better after he called me. Because all this last days since last friday I feel sick, worry and very depressed to know I not have money. Last weekend I was so depressed that I stay in my bedroom all weekend, and I satyed long time in bed without eat food. I not had eat dinner last saturday and I not eat lunch last sunday. So last sunday night I was feel weak and I was not feeling good, I was dizzy, powerless and I can not walk much because I was so weak and dizzy that if I walk too much I need help my hand somewhere for I not fall in the ground of my room, sisnce I was so sad, so weak, because not eat almost nothing during 48 hours. I was very worry till now, and this afternoon when my friend call me he made me have hope. Matter of fact, I was thinking he will not help me, and will not borrow me money. But he surprised