apanese Uni - Charm the company decided to enter the market after the market significantly . In the United States , Europe and Japan are leading innovative technologies are significantly more suited to the Japanese market , P & G has learned very quickly that it is important to know that consumers and tailor products to the market, Pampers , perhaps. it is a product of the world, but the differences need to be modified even if P & G's market share declined from the rule of the market of 7 percent to as low as it can be. mark Changes Product design And strategies Promotion, to reclaim 28 percent of the market and the market leader again, the artist has said that the success of P & G in Japan are important: It [ Japan] is the most difficult in an increasingly competitive as possible. - Moving the consumer market in the world .... Japanese companies improve their companies - competing furiously with one another - in their own home market of Japan shows . The cutting edge of technology products around the world in literally hundreds of product categories ........ " compete with them in their own back yard , you will eventually have to compete with them at home. "One of our driving motivation . Be successful In Japan