Sportsmanship is a quality that is required when you are on or off the field in sports. It is necessary for players, coaches, spectators and referees.
Sportsmanship is simple. It is using the ability when you are playing, coaching or watching. Treat the players, coaches, spectators like you want to be treated, especially when things get heated. It means:
1) All athletes should show respect and manners for teammates, opponents, coaches, and officials.
2) Play clean. The only thing that comes from a dirty play is a trip to the emergency room.
3) Keep your comments positive. It is important that the players hear that they are doing good.
4) Congratulate the other team on a job well done.
5) Referees must apply the rules equally to both teams and cannot show bias or personal interest in the outcome.
And now, please enjoy the video how sportsmanship looks like.