Chocolate was produced from cacao tropical. Chocolate is a mixture of various kinds such as ice cream dessert candy, cookies, cakes, or that the pie, chocolate can be considered as one of the pleasant sweet people all over the world!Chocolate is made from fermented, roasted, and extensive grinding of cocoa beans, which is derived from the cacao designated hot (tropical cacao tree), which is originated from Central America and Mexico. Cacao was discovered by the Indians and the Aztec (Aztecs).Cacao is very intense, taste astringent The yield of cocoa beans, known as "chocolate" or some parts of the world in the name of "cocoa"
.Products from cocoa beans known under several different names in different parts of the world. In America, the chocolate industry have redefined it.
Chocolate is a mixture between the seed pod of cocoa and cocoa butter. The mixture of sugar and other ingredients, and is in the form of bars and other images
.Cacao chocolate besides acting now can also drinks made with such as hot chocolate. Chocolate drink was invented by the Aztec. (Aztecs) after the tribes by Indians and European.
Top 10 most expensive chocolate.