Survival rate, mean weights and gonadosomatic indices of the
male and female of both the groups are presented in Table 2.
Survival of broodfish ranged from 83 to 100%. Survival of female
in normal group fed at 3% was significantly lower (Pb0.05) than
survivals the other two groups within the same category of
broodfish and also lower (Pb0.05) than the survival of the stunted
females fed at 3% rate. There was no difference (PN0.5) in daily
weight gain (DWG, g fish−1 day-) between two broodfish types
whereas overall effect of the feeding rate on the DWGwas highly
significant (Pb0.001) in both the sexes.On the other hand, stunted
group had higher (Pb0.05) relative weight gain as compared to
the non-stunted group. Males, regardless of the age, had higher
relative weight gain than the females. In general, relative weight
gain increased with the increase in feeding rate in both the sexes.
However, there was no significant difference (PN0.05) in the total
length gain between the two age groups of females but significant
(Pb0.05) difference for male. Feeding rate had a significant
(Pb0.05) effect on length gain in both the sexes.