Breakers are towering above the ship.
Only the slightest sliver of sky is visible.
Suddenly, the world reveals itself, and the sailor gazes upon the sea.
Then, the ship plunges into the trough of the waves
that darkly threaten to devour the vessel and the men.
Storms are very real to the sea and seaman
and a symbol of life’s turmoil in all of us.
In STORM, we meet seas, ships and sailors:
Those who returned to tell the tales of fierce seas and shredded sails.
Those who spoke mostly with their eyes.
And those who never came home.
We head into the wind and the waves and emerge on the other side.
For the whole next week the sky screamed and storms wrecked the earth and finally broke the war which groaned as one in labor's throes. […] Ocean silent. Winds dead. Flood ended. […] I peeked through the portal into a morning sun then turned, knelt and cried. Tears flooded down my face.
From the Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic
The exhibition STORM is supported by D/S NORDEN // D/S Orients Fond.
Other contributors: With Fonden, Statens Kunstfond, Force Technology, Esvagt
M/S Maritime Museum of Denmark is in 2015 supported by:
A.P. Møller Fonden, D/S NORDEN // D/S Orients, Torm Fonden, Den Danske Maritime Fond,
Carlsen-Langes legatstiftelse og Selskabet M/S Museet for Søfarts Venner.