The HM2007 Speech Recognition IC performs speech recognition or voice recognition process. Voice module
has the 3x3 metrics keypad were it can be used to trains the voice to the module. The module output is in binary
form and it is being interface with the arduino for the motor control. The module has CMOS battery to store the
program in SRAM even if the power failure is occurred. SRAM is also being used in the module to store the
program. The chip provides the options of recognizing either forty .96 second words or twenty 1.92 second
words. This circuit allows the user to choose either the .96 second word length (40 word vocabulary) or the 1.92
second word length (20 word vocabulary). For memory the circuit uses an 8K X 8 static RAM [2].
The 8-bit output data of the module is given to the Arduino board. The arduino will process the 2-bit data (i.e.
two number of pins are used) which is being given by the module and will control the movements of the wheel
chair. Only 2-bits of output data are being used because of the direction of the motor control in four direction.
The program is coded in assembly language in arduino. Addition to this the speed of the wheel chair is also
being controlled by varying the potentiometer and also obstacle detection using IR Sensor. We have also used
display unit to display in which direction the wheel chair is moving (left, right, front and backward).The chip
has two operational modes; manual mode and CPU mode. The CPU mode is designed to allow the chip to work
under a host computer.