Currently nobody does not recognize your computer because the computer can do a great many things quickly. If asked, what are the benefits of computers. There are many other benefits of computers in education as well as. Used in teaching in multiple formats such as Or we want to trace data to run the report. Research, we can find information on the Internet through the computer. The next aspect of entertainment. In this field we are able to find entertainment from your computer is to watch movies, listen to music, play games, to relax yourself from stress at work or school, and if we want to be able to transfer money urgently. An important advantage of the computer and the other side is the medicine because the computer is currently assisting several aspects such as medical history the patient. Urine examination Cardiac surgery patient monitoring that is empty or not. Laser light control x-ray detection of brain waves, heart waves, etc are just some of the benefits of computers. That in the future it may be doing something that we would expect not to.