At the onset of the experiment (i. e. 20th week of the birds), the initial weight of the birds were taken to the
nearest 0.01g. Egg collected were also recorded, weighed to the nearest .01g using electronic weighing balance
while the linear measurements were taken with Vernier calipers to the nearest 0.01cm. The internal egg
characteristics were measured by the destructive procedure: Egg contents were poured into a flat plate, weighed
and then measurements (Yolk height, yolk width, albumen height, and albumen width) were taken using Vernier
caliper. Thereafter, the albumen was separated from the yolk using a separation funnel and weighed using 0.01g
sensitive electronic weighing balances. The egg shell were air dried under room temperature for 48 hours after
which the shell weight was taken using the 0.01g electronic weighing balance and the shell thickness measured
with micrometer screw guage (SkoleR) to the nearest 0.01mm. Other performance characteristics computed are