It starts from tripping
it was the first time I saw you, you may think it's crazy
I think things I did it more than from the 1 become crazy
I tell yourself a couple of four God it's fate!
.I've done things, so we got a talk
I don't know if I get the insanity at the time where
แต่ฉันดี glad I did it. But now I'm afraid she
I lost before it was called end not
because I think I can tell you!Now, I have two choices
is becoming one ever do something or someone who will do anything crazy again
I want to take it that you will like me too
but watching you whenever I see a possibility
มัน is called end not
.Because I think I can tell you now, I have two choices:
is become one to ever do anything crazy
or to anything again and if I start it again
.I must be crazy over it twice because if I close to you a little more I would come back.