*16. My head is stuffed up.
Sam: I feel awful!
Alice: You don't look so good, either. What's wrong?
Sam: My head's stuffed up. I've got a runny nose, and I'm aching all over.
Alice: Poor guy! What are you taking?
Sam: Nothing so far. Do you have anything I can take?
Alice: Let me go look. In the meantime, drink lots of orange juice....
Sam: (Moan.) OK, but hurry back!
Doctor: (Later)
Alice: I'm back, Sam. How are you doing?
Sam: I still feel like death warmed over.
Alice: Well, I brought you a few things.
Sam: Great! Bring them on.
Alice: Here's some cough syrup and I brought some cold and flu medicine. It'll help you sleep.
Sam: Thanks. I really appreciate it.