Arriving on Jeju Island by ferry, in the dark, is rather underwhelming, as you don’t exactly feel as if you’ve just landed on Korea’s ‘own Hawaii’ (which it is often referred to). I’m quite certain that flying in the day would allow you to see the island in all its glory before touching down, and hence get you excited for the days ahead. This didn’t bother me in the slightest though as I was more grateful to have my feet on solid ground than anything else and besides, I had a whole 4 days to see what this island was all about. After rounding up the group, we headed into town for some food and then off to our accommodation for the weekend. We were staying in a lovely resort on the North shore of the island and only a 1 minute walk away from a volcanic rocky beach. I was okay with it not being a sandy beach as all I really wanted was an ocean view (the view from my apartment in Daegu is someone else’s lounge area…not very thrilling).