Saturn will leave Aquarius' house of career signaling the end of a long phase (of more than two years) loaded with responsibilities, restrictive and often frustrating, but which, for those Aquarians determined to do a good job, must have brought some consolidation of their position and some results with long-term effect.
Having escaped Saturn's influence, Aquarius' career will loosen up. There will still be some things to settle in the summer (June-August 2015), when Saturn comes back to the area, but you'll have gone over the most difficult part by then.
For the following three years, Saturn will turn its interest towards groups, friendship, partnership, organizational interests, social and maybe even political activism. In this area, in 2015 Saturn might deal you a real trial, a burden to carry or a lesson to learn, but it could reward you with durable accomplishments also.
In 2015 the good news for Aquarius will come from Jupiter, which will favor love and marriage in the first part of the year, as well as relationships in general, including collaboration or business partnerships. It will be a good time for the private life of Aquarians, but also for networking, making new friends or signing new contracts.
In the second part of 2015 Jupiter will be favorable to money issues: it will bring Aquarians advantages through third parties, good contacts with financial environments, gifts, etc. Stay away from dishonest people and unclear, illegal or immoral situations though!
2015 will also be an excellent year for information, learning, intellectual creativity, communication.